King Dork movie adaptation status update, release date for follow up

King Dork movie adaptation status update, release date for follow up

Frank "Dr.Frank" Portman of The Mr. T Experience and more recently, of the critically acclaimed young adult novel King Dork, has posted an update on the film version of his book. In late 2006, the book was "optioned" for a film by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay:

Practically every conversation I ever have with anyone eventually gets around to this question. What they're wondering about is the status of potential King Dork film. For some time now I really haven't had much of an answer.
as unlikely as it seemed, a new deal was reached just this week. The King Dork movie: it lives. This time around it is Sony Pictures. Same producers (Gary Sanchez.) Seth Gordon, the guy who did King of Kong, is attached to direct. This doesn't necessarily mean it'll get made but it is way more likely than it was last month.

Frank continues to work on his next novel, Andromeda Klein. The book is due out August 25, 2009.