Tours: Static Thought / Society's Parasites

Tours: Static Thought / Society's Parasites

Static Thought and Society's Parasites are touring this summer.

You can click Read More for the dates.

July 31, 2009 TBA Portland, Oregon
August 1, 2009 The Charleston Bremerton, Washington
August 2, 2009 The Morgue Seattle, Washington
August 3, 2009 Cretin Hop Spokane, Washington
August 4, 2009 Rays Golden Lion Richland, Washington
August 5, 2009 Gusto's Boise, Idaho
August 6, 2009 TBA Salt Lake City, Utah
August 7, 2009 Wasteland TBA, Denver, Colorado
August 8, 2009 TBA Witchita, Kansas
August 9, 2009 TBA OK City, Oklahoma
August 11, 2009 1011 Club San Antonio, Texas
August 12, 2009 Red 7 Austin, Texas
August 13, 2009 TBA Houston, Texas
August 14, 2009 The Lounge on Elm St Dallas, Texas
August 15, 2009 Whiskey Dix Lubbock, Texas
August 16, 2009 Amped Performance Albuquerque, New Mexico
August 18, 2009 TBA Tucson, Arizona
August 19, 2009 The Phix Phoenix, Arizona
August 20, 2009 The Radio Room San Diego, California
August 21, 2009 Innocence Lost Pad TBA, Echo Park, California
August 22, 2009 TBA Fresno, California
August 29, 2009 Oakland Metro Oakland, California