This Is Hell to premiere new song on Generic Insight Radio tonight

This Is Hell to premiere new song on Generic Insight Radio tonight

Internet webcast Generic Insight Radio will be airing the third installment of their ongoing GIR Takeover Series tonight, a series in which special guest DJs take over an hour-long segment of the program's two hour time slot. Tonight's takeover is hosted by Rick Jimenez, guitarist of This Is Hell and Soldiers, along with fellow Long Island hardcore pals Brian Audley (Soldiers and Incendiary) and Dan Terr (Incendiary).

The guests have a music segment lined up that includes an exclusive/premiere broadcast of a brand new This Is Hell song, "The Search". The track comes from the band's upcoming 7" for Think Fast! Records, Warbirds, which we first detailed here.

Generic Insight Radio airs tonight from 10pm-midnight EST, with Jimenez, Audley, and Terr's segment airing from 10:30-11:30. It can be streamed live via this link.