Brand New talks new album, future of the band

Brand New talks new album, future of the band

In a new Kerrang interview, Brand New's Jesse Lacey talks a bit about the band's forthcoming album and also hints at the future of the band. Lacey notes:

I think a lot of the record is about us trying to make decisions about how long the band should go on. When I listened back to it, I realized how many songs are about something coming to a close, or knowing when it's time to put something away and move on.

Lacey also noted:

I'm a little worried [about the new album]. It's a pretty exhausting record. It's quite dense and I think some of the decisions we made don't always go in the most obvious direction. We were thinking a lot more about what we'd want to play when we were up onstage rather than actually what you'd want to hear on a record.

The record will be their first since The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me in 2006 and was recorded over a 12-month period from March 2008. The band is currently mixing the record with Dave Sardy for a planned Fall release.