Ian Mcdougall of Riverboat Gamblers injured in bike accident

Ian Mcdougall of Riverboat Gamblers injured in bike accident

On the night of Saturday October 17th, Ian Mcdougall of Riverboat Gamblers was hit by a car when riding home. He sustained some pretty heavy injuries including a broken hip, a broken wrist and hemmoraging under the skull along with many lacerations, torn ligaments, bruises and and scrapes. He was rushed by ambulance to Brackenridge hospital in Austin and stayed in the ICU for 2 days before being moved into his own room where he is undergoing physical therapy while awaiting the results of various tests.

His friends and bandmates commented:

That being said, the prognosis is better than we had first thought. We are happy that he is going to be ok and that he is alive and with us. Unfortunately, not only is he in for a long recovery and is in a lot of pain, but he will be celebrating his birthday in bed with hospital food. On another unfortunate note, there are a pile of bills currently gaining a Mt. Everest-like summit from all his hospital expenses. We set up a PayPal account for our band mate and friend to try and help him get on top of the debt and focus on his recovery.

For more details on how to help Ian, visit his MySpace page.