Streetlight Manifesto gives update on album status and band happenings.

Streetlight Manifesto gives update on album status and band happenings.

Streetlight Manifesto have posted an update on their current status and progress on their 99 Songs Of A Revolution project. The first volume is apparently completed, but a CD release is up in the air. The band explained:

We can't announce [the release date] because we don't know when it is. What we can say is this: some record labels (not naming names here, so it can't be "libel") are just plain horrendous. Seriously though, it's a sad fact that the bullshit bands have to put up with from some labels isn't worth the benefits (ha!) of being on said labels. That being said, it looks like Volume One will be released on vinyl via the Pentimento Music Company long before it comes out on CD or digitally.

We have no tours planned as of this very minute but we are planning our 2010 now. More importantly, though, we will be heading into the studio soon (as is a particular electricity deficient collective..) and we don't plan on touring until we have a few records to release.

The band last released Somewhere in the Between in 2007.