Videos: Failures' Union: "West Coast, NY"

Videos: Failures' Union: "West Coast, NY"

Nearly two years after the fact, If You Make It has posted a "new" video from Failures' Union for "West Coast, NY", a song from the band's 2007 full-length Sinker. IYMI head honcho Dave Garwacke explains:

Eric shot this video with Failures' Union and Super Bobby in Florida almost 2 years ago. With a lost tape, we are missing a whole other angle and a ton of footage. Never did anything with what we did have though until now. This is what I was able to scrap together. Featuring Pete the dog.

You can click Read More to check out the video. Their new full-length for Paper and Plastick, In What Way, is currently streaming at their page.

Failures' Union - "West Coast NY" from eric ayotte on Vimeo.