Last chance to see Kill Your Idols for a while...

Last chance to see Kill Your Idols for a while...

us that may be a bit more difficult to see a Kill Your Idols show in the future. The band is departing on their final US tour soon, but would like to stress that they are NOT breaking up. The band will continue to play shows in the northeast, but for the forseeable future will not be touring. Click READ MORE for the dates.

Sat/June 1 Richmond, VA @hardcore Holocaust Warehouse 7PM w/Disassociate,
Fortitude, TBA

Sun/June 2 Fayetteville, NC @Duh! Skate Zone 6PM sharp w/Disassociate,
Fortitude, Welfare Babies

Mon/June 3 Orlando, FL @Wills Pub doors 6/music 6.30 w/Disassociate,
Fortitude, Protagonist,

Tues/June 4 Naples, FL @The Golden Gate Community Center 5:50PM
w/Disassociate, Fortitude, Flame Still Burns

Wed/June 5 Daytona Beach, FL @The Church w/Disassociate, Fortitude

Thurs/June 6 Pensacola, FL @ bedlam

Fri/June 7 Houston, TX @The Rhythm Room w/ Breathe In, The Final
Plan, My Luck, Your Mistake

Sat/June 8 Austin,TX @Emos 6:30PM sharp doors w/ Breathe In, The

Sun/June 9 El Paso, TX @Rock And Roll Taco w/Breathe In, Blacklist

Mon/June 10 Tempe, AZ @The Big Fish 8pm 1st Annual Hardcore BBQ
w/North Side Kings, Breathe In, Where Eagles Dare, Dead By Dawn,
False Prophets

Tues/June 11 LA, CA @ The Smell w/Breathe In, Diehard Youth, Knife

Wed/June 12 ventura @ pat's wharehouse w/Breathe In, Knife Fight,
Diehard Youth, Hit The Deck

Thurs/June 13 San Diego @ Che Cafe 8PM w/Breathe In, Find Him and
Kill Him (record release), Dead By Dawn,

Fri/June 14 Goleta @ The Living Room w/ Breathe In, Holier Then

Sat/June 15 Berkeley,CA @924 Gilman St. 8PM Doors w/Toxic Narcotic
, Breathe In, The Profits, Diehard Youth

Sun/June 16 San Jose @Campbell American Legion Hall 6:00doors w/
Breathe In, Diehard Youth, Dare To Fly

Mon/June 17 Elko, NV @ The Barn 5PM w/Just Another Face, Fuck Your
Heros, Diehard Youth, and All Opposed

Tues/June 18 Lindon, UT @ suite 13 7pm. Kill Your Idols, xThis Guyx,
Truth Be Told, Parallax

Wed/June 19 Denver, CO @The Raven w/ The Forgotten

Thurs/June 20 Kansas City, Mo @ El Torreon 7PM w/Holding On, Last
Ride Out, Nowhere Fast

Fri/June 21 Rock Island, IL @Eagle Rec Hall 7PM doors w/ X Is For
Hoping, Provoke, Affront, Holding On

Sat/ June 22 Minneapolis, MN @The Babylon 7PM doors Holding On,
The Methadones, Rivethead

Sun/June 23 Milwaukee, WI @The Globe East 4:30 w/Holding On, Since
By Man

Mon/June 24 Chicago, IL @Fireside Bowl W/ The Methadones, Holding

Tues/June 25 ST Louis @ the Hi Pointe Cafe (
w/Holding On

Wed/June 26 Nashville, TN @The Muse W/ Holding On, Shots Fired

Thurs/June 27 Ann Arbor, MI @State Control Records w/ Holding On

Fri/June 28 Louisville, KY @ Brycc House (Infested)

Sat/June 29 Cincinatti, OH @ The Void ( ) w/ Holding
On, East Arcadia, Dead Heroes, Close Call

Sun/June 30 York, PA @emigsville community building w/holding on,
race to die, close call

?July 8 NJ

July 12 Farmingdale, NY @Local 7 w/ Red Reaction.

July 13 NYC@ CBGB's *Loud As Fuck Fest* (come down for a very special
(and short) set)

Aug 2 Philly? w/Poison Idea

Aug 3 Boston, MA @ The Pond (2 shows) w/Poison Idea, Toxic Narcotic,
Provoke, Thumbs Up

Aug 4 NYC @ CBGB's w/ Poison Idea, SFA, Nihilistics, 2 Man Advantage

Aug 6 Coney Island in the freak show arena! w/ Eyes Of Hate, Zombie
Vandals, Counterpoint, (freaks will entertain between bands)

?Aug 17 Eastern LI w/ Manifesto Jukebox, Rambo,