Tours: Furnace Fest announces full lineup; I wet my pants

Tours: Furnace Fest announces full lineup; I wet my pants

Holy christ. Furnace Fest will be rocking Birmingham, Alabama from August 1-3 this year with the following bands:
7 Angels 7 Plagues * Andrew W.K. * Beloved * Boy Sets Fire * Brandtson * Brother's Keeper * Celebrity * Christiansen * Coheed and Cambria * Cool Hand Luke * Dead Poetic * Denison Marrs * Dynamite Boy * Eighteen Visions * Elliott * Eso-Charis (Reunion) * Evergreen Terrace * Every Time I Die * From Autumn to Ashes * Further Seems Forever * Glasseater * Handshake Murders * Haste * Hatebreed * Hopesfall * In Flames * Kid Gorgeous * Living Sacrifice * Love is Red * Martyr AD * Me Without You * Meshuggah * Most Precious Blood * Narcissus * Nine Lives * No Innocent Victim (the last show east of CA.) * Noise Ratchet * Norma Jean * Not Waving But Drowning * Open Hand * Pedro The Lion * Roadside Monument * Shai-Hulud * Skycamefalling * Squad 5-0 * Stairwell * Stretch Arm Strong * Sworn Enemy * The Exit * The Ghost * This Day Forward * Throwdown * Twothirtyeight * Ultimate Fakebook * Underoath * Unearth * Welton * Young and the Useless * ZAO (w/ special guests & former members)
Holy christ. Go to for more info, and go to your room for a fresh pair of undies.