Cleaning out the ol' inbox

Cleaning out the ol' inbox

In a hopeless attempt to unbury the news from our ever filling submissions box, here's latest batch of website links we've been sent.

  • Australian music resource, QLD Punk Rockers, have relaunched their website with info on QLD punk bands, labels, venues, zines, and more.eaps more, aswell as an up to date news page, gig guide and downloads section. Check out the site for more...
  • Upstart record label Big Llama Records has launched their official site. The label is currently promoting hardcore band the Haang Upps!.
  • Digital indie magazine Swing Swing has relaunhced with a new batch of interviews with Cave In, A Static Lullaby, Joshua Fit For Battle, as well as local Arizona bands.
  • Fastmusic's Sonny have set up a mailing list. Sign up to get updates on their upcoming release "A Temporary Remedy."
  • Orange county band Swiftkick, has launched their website and have a 6 song demo online for download.
  • Our similar monikered friends over at have revamped and relaunched their site, which includes a new forum and other UK punk content.