Tours: Bitter End, New Morality (Europe)

Tours: Bitter End, New Morality (Europe)

Bitter End have announced a European tour to be supported by Dutch hardcore outfit, New Morality.

You can click Read More for the dates.

July 29, 2010 Dublin, Ireland Life and Death Fest
July 30, 2010 Mol, Belgium Break Out Fest
July 31, 2010 Lichtenstein, Germany JZ Riot
August 1, 2010 Munich, Germany Sunny Red
August 2, 2010 Vienna, Austria Escape
August 3, 2010 Berchtesgaden, Germany Kuckusnest
August 4, 2010 Hamburg, Germany Rote Flora
August 5, 2010 Fredericia, Denmark Fredericia Hardcore Fest
August 6, 2010 Leisnig, Germany Sucks'n'Summer Fest
August 7, 2010 Essen, Germany Filled with Hate Fest
August 8, 2010 Hengelo, The Netherlands Innocent
August 9, 2010 Mannheim, Germany JUZ Mannheim
August 10, 2010 London, UK The Underworld
August 11, 2010 Nottingham, UK The Central
August 12, 2010 Newport, UK Le Pub
August 13, 2010 Canterbury, UK The Chantry Social Club
August 14, 2010 Ieper, Belgium Ieper Fest