Sunday Edition: May 16th, 2010

Hello everybody and welcome to Navel Gazing: your look back at the week in Punknews. I'm Adam White and I'll be your guide through some of the most popular, notable, and otherwise attention getting stories of the past seven days. Each and every Punknews story is built from tips contributed by you fine folks, and here's what got the community talking this week:
- A Utah citizen was offended by the the New Pornographers' band name. This happened once way back in the day in Toronto to the Barenaked Ladies, and we all know what threats to civilization they turned out to be.
- Green Day explained the absence of their Lookout! material in "Rock Band"
- More vinyl from Blink-182 is on its way.
- The Invisible Children bill passed Congress in the US. Members of Thrice, Fall Out Boy, Saves The Day and Sparta were notable public supporters of it.
- The track listing for the Warped 2010 compilation was announced.
- Long running punk heroes Social Distortion signed to Epitaph
- Tom Gabel of Against Me! talked about the band dynamic
- Sundowner has promised an August 10th release
With that we hand over this Sunday evening to you, the Punknews community. From that glorious, likely bearded rabble we've see the creation of everything from message boards and Punknews fantasy sports leagues to even a band or two. So talk amongst yourselves and we'll see you Monday...