The Hives: "Civilization's Dying" (Zero Boys)

The Hives: "Civilization's Dying" (Zero Boys)

The Hives have unveiled a cover of Zero Boys' classic track "Civilization's Dying." The song will appear with two other covers on an upcoming EP entitled Tarred and Feathered, due out digitally on July 2, 2010 and on vinyl a week later. Vocalist Pelle Almqvist explained the reasons behind releasing the covers EP:

"While working on songs for our new record, we wanted to sort of kick start the creative process by going into the studio to record. We had an idea of playing everything live, straight to magnetic tape. We didn't have finished songs so we recorded some covers instead -- mostly to test this modus operandi. Well, it turned out so well that we figured, 'Hey, let's share it with people. They deserve it."

Check out the cover here. The band is currently at work on the follow-up to 2007's The Black and White Album.