Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What happened to Rancid?
During the final crisis between the death of the Forth World and the ascension of the Fifth, Rancid was imprisoned in the Command-D Bunker in Blüdhaven. They escaped and Tim Armstrong made a once in a lifetime exception to his no firearms rule, shooting Darkseid with the same bullet used to kill Orion. As Darkseid is shot he fires back and hits Rancid with the Omega Sanction beams, forcing them to be reborn in the the past and lead increasingly horrible lives for all eternity.

That or they started hanging around with Skinhead Rob and shit got weird. -Adam

Your trusty Punknews editors have all sorts of projects on the go. If you like what you see here do us a favour and pay a visit to

Rich Verducci's podcast Sound Scene Revolution.

Chris Moran's videos at Vimeo,

Bryne Yancey's Orlando blog Overheated,

Adam White's tumblog at,

Jesse Raub's coffee blogging at Bitter Press and Intelligentsia,


Justin August's tumblog at

Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley, @dante3000 and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter.