Misfits replace Robo, title new album

Misfits replace Robo, title new album

In a recent interview, Jerry Only of The Misfits announced that the band has replaced drummer Robo with Eric "Goat" Arce of Murphy's Law (Arce previously filled in with the Misfits for tours in 2000 and 2001). Robo, a former Black Flag drummer who joined up with the Misfits in 1982, was let go due to travel restrictions on his Columbian passport. Only commented:

We had to let Robo go because of his Colombian passport. It's bad... it's like a rain cloud that follows us around any time we go to different countries, especially in Europe. All at once certain countries won't let him in. That immediately cancels shows and immediately changes all our flight itinerary and things like that, and it's a big loss of money. So this has been going on since, oh God, '82. It came to a point in the road where we just couldn't deal with it. We got a drummer from Murphy's Law, a hardcore band out of New York City...Eric "The Goat" Arce we call him. He's "The Chupacabra" on our new record; he needs a monster name now that he's with us.

Only also revealed that the next album from the long running Misfits will be titled The Devi's Rain, named after the 1975 horror film starring William Shatner. It will be the first full album of new, original Misfits material since 1999's Famous Monsters. Click below to watch the interview.