MC Lars talk music biz on CNN Money

MC Lars talk music biz on CNN Money

Post-punk laptop rapper MC Lars recently spoke to CNN Money about how musicians like him can make a living supported by - rather than despite - piracy. Lars, who describes hip hop as "the proletariat speaking its mind" talks about how his label, Horris Records, has helped him avoid having to give up the revenue from touring and merchandise. He says more than 60% of his income as a musician comes from MC Lars merchandise which he sells at his shows.

Lars also talks about his goals for the label which is to "help as many talented, like-minded, DIY / punk culture-based indie rappers have as many self-sustained careers as possible" The feature also notes that he's raised more than $20,000 via a Kickstarter campaign to fund his forthcoming third album and follow up to This Gigantic Robot Kills.

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