Rescue asks fans and friends for help

Rescue asks fans and friends for help

us with this from Al of Rescue:
"We've been really busy since our last tour working in our new drummer, writing, demoing, playing locally, etc., etc. Therefore, we have not had the time to get a complete grasp on our fall tour. If you can help us set up a show for any of the dates we have listed "need help" and you live within 2 hours of the suggested city please
contact us and help us out. Also, if you'd like to help promote the shows we have booked already please
drop us a line."
Click below for the dates on the tour.

Here are the dates:

10.03.02 East Lansing, MI @ Mac's Bar w/ Element, Putty

10.07.02 Cambridge, MA @ Middle East Upstairs w/ Brandston, Orange Island, Fake ID

10.08.02 Philadelphia, PA @ Grape Street Pub w/ The Emphasis

10.11.02 Detroit, MI @ CPOP Art Gallery w/ Wafflhouse*, The Transfer, Thunderbirds Are Now

10.12.02 Traverse City, MI @ Jacob’s Well w/ Mock Orange

10.13.02 Houghton, MI @ Level 2 Skatepark w/ Mock Orange

10.14.02 Milwaukee, WI @ 8th Note Coffeehouse w/ Bozio, Textbook Traitors

10.16.02 - 10.18.02 Lincoln, NE @ Presto, recording new material

10.18.02 Lawrence, KS (need help)

10.19.02 Omaha, NE @ Halloween Fest III

10.20.02 Colorado Springs, CO @ High Life House w/ Choke

10.21.02 Provo, UT @ The Muse w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.22.02 Rexburg, ID @ The Underground w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.23.02 Seattle, WA @ Paradox w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.24.02 Portland, OR @ Meow Meow w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.25.02 Oakland/San Francisco, CA (need help)

10.26.02 Fresno, CA (need help)

10.27.02 Las Vegas, NV @ Café Espresso Roma w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.29.02 Anaheim, CA @ Chain Reaction w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.30.02 Los Angeles, CA @ Studio 56 w/ Time Spent Driving, Choke

10.31.02 San Diego, CA (need help)

11.01.02 Pheonix, AZ (need help)

11.02.02 Albuquerque, NM (need help)

11.04.02 Oklahoma City, OK @ Green Door w/ Euclid Crash

11.05.02 Dallas, TX (need help)

11.06.02 Austin, TX (need help)

11.07.02 Houston, TX @ TBA w/ The Record Time, The Tie That Binds, Burned Out Bright

11.08.02 AR TBA

11.09.02 Houma, LA @ TBA w/ Walk Through Walls

11.10.02 TBA in MS or AL

11.11.02 TBA in AL or FL

11.12.02 Tallahassee/Orlando, FL area (need help)

11.13.02 Ft. Lauderdale, FL (need help)

11.14.02 Gainesville, FL (need help)

11.15.02 Atlanta, GA @ Revolution w/ Planes Mistaken For Stars, City of Caterpillar, The Break

11.16.02 Valdosta, GA @ 1-Up w/ True North, The Close, Lucky Stranger

11.17.02 Knoxville, TN (need help)

11.18.02 Nashville, TN (need help)

11.19.02 Lousiville, KY (need help)

11.20.02 Indianapolis/Bloomington, IN (need help)

11.21.02 South Bend, IN @ Clark House w/ Clark