Contests: The Midtown and Red Line Distribution contests are over!

...and the winner of the Midtown contest is:
Ryan Rockwell from Palisade, CO!
Click on READ MORE for Ryan's winning entry. Good luck with the lady, dude!

...and the winners of the Red Line Distribution contest are:
Herkko Kiljunen, Josh Gaines, John Greco, Tim Rauer, and Ashley Florentine!
Your prizes will be going in the mail shortly.

Thanks to all who entered. Look for a new contest up this weekend, hopefully.

How about this: my friend who is a girl is dating this dude who is a
total ass. He punched her in the face and laughed about it. I am in love
with this same girl and would kill to get her. She loves Midtown and I'm
sure they love her. So what I'm asking no wait.. begging you to do is
declare me the winner so I can win this girls heart. she is beautiful and
smart and I would give anything. Anything to have her, to hold her, and
keep her company on cold and lonely nights. She just got kicked out of
her house and her Dad said that he hates her. I would absolutely go nuts
if you gave me the prizes and her a phone call telling her that I set it
up. I would then of course give her the prizes and tell her how I feel
right there on the spot. I'm not asking for your sympathy. I'm asking for
your help. At least give her a call and tell her I got you guys to call
her that would be great. I definetely need a break in life and if you
guys can do this for me I would owe you my life.