Gods and Queens flip van in Europe

Philadelphia noise rock outfit Gods and Queens have survived their van flipping in the Czech Republic. Frontman Jamie Getz posted an update on Facebook. Here is an excerpt:

Ben pulled me out through the windshield and I took off running, screaming for help with blood pouring down my face. I honestly thought Jeff was dead. A car stopped and a slew of women started screaming at me and I was screaming at them. We were in the middle of no where and as I was running two things came to mind, I think Jeff is dead, and I hope I don´t get shot like Artimus Pyle. A woman pulled me into her house and her husband and son ran to the van crash site. I found Gertjan, and he said everyone is OK. The family started talking to me via Google Translation telling me everyone is safe and that an amublance is on the way.


Long short, we are all somewhat OK. Jeff broke his collarbone, Ben got his hand jacked up, I am pretty alright, Gertjan is OK, as well as Sara. The van is destroyed. Booking these tours ourself really made me realize that we are 100% on our own. We had no one to call, no one to "rescue" us. I made 3 phone calls and the entire German punk scene came to our rescue. God damn thank you. Our new friends from Dresden Germany came to get us at the drop of a hat, no questions asked. Thank you.

The band is asking that if you'd like to help, to buy their album on their Bandcamp for $1.99. It'd be two bucks well spent for anyone reading this.