Weezer loans out song to Zed

Since Weezer has about, oh, 8 billion songs written in the past 2 years or so, Rivers and company obviously aren't going to use them all. So when Australian band Zed asked if they could take Green Album B-Side "Starlight" and make it their own, they got the thumbs up from Mr. Cuomo. The re-recorded track is Zed's new single, as well as being the end title song to the new Rob Schneider film "Hot Chick." The band has filmed a video [with Rob Schneider] for the single. You can watch the video in Windows Media format here, or in Real Video format here.

In more Weezer news, Rivers has loaned out his guitar chops to an as-yet-unnamed song for the new Limp Bizkit album, joining the ranks of some guy from Korn and some guy from Mudhoney [I think]. Commence vomiting now.
Update: Not from Mudhoney, Scott, Page Hamilton is from Helmet.