Punkhardcore.com needs your help

"Punkhardcore.com's bandwidth fees have officially exceeded their income and as a result
their host will be forced to disable their account if they are unable to raise
$1650.00 by Monday December 16th. If you value the services PunkHardcore.com provides please consider supporting the site in one of the following ways:
1. Make a donation via PayPal by going here. You
don't need to be a PayPal member to contribute and the process is
easy and secure.
2. Purchase one of the PunkHardcore.com compilations from their eStore. All proceeds from the sale of these CD's go directly towards the mounting bandwidth fees."

Punkhardcore.com is a great provider of guitar tabs, bass tabs, drum tabs, lyrics, music news, guitar and bass lessons, music reviews, email accounts, and more. This site is a valuable asset to the online music community. Please help if you can. We've had similar problems with bandwidth before, so we know what it's like. I know it's the holidays and all, guys, and we're all strapped for cash, but try and help out a good resource such as this.