Fat Mike has Feelings Too...

Fat Mike has Feelings Too...

Fat Mike sent us a little essay about the criticisms to his recent punkvoter.com and other political actions. I have to support Mike on this one, it's one thing to agree or disagree with government policies, but to admonish someone for expressing opinions at all just isn't right. The founders of the country explicitly designed the democractic process to include checks and balances, not the least of which was public dissent. Looking towards the government with a critical eye doesn't make you a bad citizen, it means you live up to the spirit of what the founding fathers intended.
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I'm a little perplexed by people talking shit about me cuz I'm not as smart
as Jello Biafra,
or I don't explain myself well enough, or I don't know
what I'm talking about. You all are missing the point completely. I may
not be that smart, but I am doing something.

Only smart people are allowed
to voice their opinions?

Most Americans aren't very smart when compared to
citizens from other developed nations. So what. It's not about who's the
smartest, it's about doing the right thing. You don't have to be a college
grad to know that we're getting hosed. George Bush's
policies are ruining
this country and if you don't see that, you're just not paying
attention. The election in 2000 was a worldwide joke and Bush did not
He didn't win the popular vote and his brother fixed Florida. There
are books, movies, newspaper articles
written about it ("The Best Democracy Money Can Buy",
and "Unprecendented" are a couple of good ones), but no one seems to care.

Well I do care and I
just can't sit around and do nothing about it. Sorry if I'm not as
articulate as some, but as I said earlier, that's not the point. I'm just
a regular guy trying to speak for regular guys and girls everywhere. We
regular people are the ones who have to work together to make change. So
please stop wasting time pointing out what my flaws are. My brain may be a
little slow some days, but my heart's in the right place and I think that's
a lot more important.


Fat Mike