Spain to name square after Joe Strummer

A petition to have a square in Spain named after the late Clash frontman, Joe Strummer, has been approved by city hall. City hall spokeswoman, Maria Jose Anguita, confirmed the decision:

A square has been identified and now the proposal has to be approved by the committee of honours and distinctions. There was a popular petition for this to happen and the city hall accepted it.

The square will be titled, Plaza Joe Strummer, and will be located in the city of Granada, a city which Joe mentioned in the The Clash song, "Spanish Bombs". He also visited Granada after Mick Jones' departure from The Clash. While there, he put his own money into producing a record for his friends, 091, whom he had met in his squatting days when his girlfriend at the time, Paloma Romero of The Slits, introduced them.

In related news, a film about Strummer's trip to Spain is in the works and is titled, I Need a Dodge!. The reason for the title is because when Strummer was in Madrid he reportedly lost his car and asked for help finding it during a radio interview. The documentary also covers other details about Strummer's trip to Spain. You can click Read More to watch the trailer.

'I Need a Dodge!' Trailer from Tindog films on Vimeo.