Tours: The Static Age (Europe)

The Static Age have announced the dates for a tour of Europe.

The group will be releasing a split with Featuring Yourself
April 19, 2013. You can listen to a track from the split here.

You can click Read More for the dates.

11.04.2013 Germany, Dortmund FZW*
12.04.2013 Germany, Kiel Schaubude*
13.04.2013 Germany, Lindern Teestube*
14.04.2013 Switzerland, Basel Sommercasino
15.04.2013 Germany, München Sunny Red
16.04.2013 Austria, Wien EKH
17.04.2013 Slovenia, Ljubljana Gala Hala
18.04.2013 Austria, Graz Explosiv
19.04.2013 Austria, Vöcklabruck Unity Festival
20.04.2013 Austria, Dornbirn Kulturcafé
21.04.2013 Switzerland, Luzern Sedel
22.04.2013 Switzerland, Zürich Dynamo
23.04.2013 Germany, Freiburg White Rabbit
24.04.2013 Germany, Düsseldorf The Tube
25.04.2013 Germany, Hamburg Molotow*
26.04.2013 Germany, Berlin Tiefgrund*
27.04.2013 Germany, Döbeln Skatehalle*
28.04.2013 Germany, Leipzig Kulturcafé Manfred*
29.04.2013 Germany, Dresden Chemiefabrik*
30.04.2013 Germany, Braunschweig Café Riptide*
01.05.2013 Germany, Stuttgart Club Zwölfzehn*
02.05.2013 Germany, Siegen Vortex*
03.05.2013 Germany, Bonn Bla*
04.05.2013 Germany, Trier The Ex Fest