New Review Update: Monday July 29, 2013; Drug Church, World/Inferno Friendship Society

Kicking off our reviews this week, we have a newish release and a positively Gentilesque live show review.

First, uh, I wrote about the new Drug Church LP,
Paul Walker

Paul Walker is an exercise in misanthropy, a collection of pissed off push-mosh anthems that don't mince words or thoughts out of fear or respect for others. In a lot of ways, it's pure, unadulterated id - which is oddly refreshing in an era when a lot of people literally make their living writing or talking about things they find offensive and What It All Means for society as a whole.

Second, John Gentile travels to Stanhope, NJ to witness a special and intimate performance from World/Inferno Friendship Society:

Perhaps because we were close to Inferno's original stomping grounds, the crowd was young and enthusiastic, clothed in suits and with youthful vigor. Inferno took the stage to their usual opening, "Tattoos Fade." Right away, one could tell it would be a special show. Perhaps because the stage was so low, the crowd was particularly rambunctious and the band snapped into an energetic pounding, winding up the tune. Singer Jack Terricloth took the stage and announced "Hello New Jerseeeeeeeey!" and the hometown crowd went nuts.

Don't forget, you can read any of our reviews right here.