Blink-182 aiming for "faster, edgier" and more diverse sound on next full length

Blink-182 aiming for "faster, edgier" and more diverse sound on next full length

Blink-182's Mark Hoppus spoke to AbsolutePunk about what fans can expect from the band's next full length and second since reuniting. He said this:

For me, personally, obviously we still have to get into the studio and hash everything out, but I want to push it edgier. I want to push it a little faster, a little harder. I want to still do rad experimental stuff, but I want it to be more edgy. We are [also] talking with [six different producers.We want to have different people come in and out of the studio for different vibes.

The band released their last full length - Neighborhoods in 2011 - and followed it up with a self-released EP titled Dogs Eating Dogs in 2012. (By faster and "edgier" we assume Mark meant this.)