Tim Timebomb; Autistic Youth; Lyra

Tim Timebomb; Autistic Youth; Lyra

This is John G and man, it looks like more snow. Enough already! I hope none of you lose power. Sheesh. We've got some new reviews to see you through this arctic apocalypse:

First, news editor Armando went and saw Tim Timebomb's art show Avenues & Alleyways:

Walking deeper into the exhibit one could find various pieces of artwork based off of song lyrics from the renowned front man as well as some interesting portrayals of those close to Mr. Armstrong. You could find portraits of Tim's bandmates and even one of Davey Havok. Something about the portrait of Lars spoke to me.

Second, staffer Big Bad Richie C checked out Nonage by Autistic Youth:

Where Landmine Beach and Idle Hands were strong albums featuring punk rock that had a classic 1980's Adolescents / Angry Samoans sound hitched to a punchy contemporary delivery, Nonage finds the band tweaking that sound a bit which to me comes across like the way M.I.A. progressed from Notes From The Underground to After The Fact back in the 1980's: that is, a sound that has an element of maturity to it without losing any of the punch that the band has previously displayed.

Last, we get a nice review of Family Ties by Lyra by the "Big-R":

Providence's Lyra is dedicated to one thing on this demo - cutting loose in the most grueling, punishing and relentless manner as possible.

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