FEST To Be Drug and Alcohol Free This Year

Update: APRIL FOOLS! The jig is up. This article is false. We will now resume regular content. Thanks for reading!

Sad news for Fest goers. Tony Weinbender announced today that all venues will be prohibited from serving alcohol and that FEST has had to cut ties with its sponsor Pabst Blue Ribbon. As well, those found using drugs or visibly intoxicated, will have their wristband confiscated. According to Weinbender, local residents recently petitioned the Gainesville city council to make FEST drug and alcohol free due attendee's tendency to become overly intoxicated. Residents have complained that attendees make a mess of the city and harass locals. According to the Gainesville Sun, police will be increasing their presence around the city during the weekend, while also imposing harsher than usual drug penalties.

There has been no word on how this will affect Pre-FEST in Tampa, Florida.

Weinbender said:

"While I tried to convince the city council and locals that attendee's are merely enjoying the festival to its fullest extent, and the time frame of the festival is brief, they refused to change their mind. FEST will still go on, and we have an amazing line up so far. Please do not be discouraged. It will still be a great time."