Kevin Whittemore leaves La Dispute

Kevin Whittemore leaves La Dispute

Kevin Whittemore, who co-founded La Dispute in 2004, has parted ways with the band. That is to say, they are "no longer a thing"... or, if you prefer, "they decided to no longer maintain their current relationship"... or you could also try, "it's not you, it's them."

Whittemore played his last show with the band at the last stop of their tour, which ended in Cleveland. At the show, Whittemore stated:

"This band has been a dream come true for me. I thank God every day for giving me this opportunity."

The band has not released a statement about Whittemore's departure, so, in the comment section below, we encourage you to concoct and post fantastical reasons for the split. We suggest that Whittemore was summoned by the Hyper-Elves of the 19th dimension to aid in their war against the evil, giant peacock riding Psy-Wizards of the House of Uluth in the year 5077*.

*Concept may have been plagiarized from a Blue Oyster Cult, Uriah Heap, or Hawkwind Album… Whatever -- they're all basically the same.