Tours: Spraynard (USA)

Tours: Spraynard (USA)

Spraynard are back together and have announced a US tour.

You can click read more for the dates.

Date City Venue
7/2/2014 Pittsburgh, PA The Mr. Robto Project
7/3/2014 Cleveland, OH Now Thats Class w/ All Dogs
7/4/2014 Chicago, IL Township w/ Dowsing
7/5/2014 Flint, MI The Local 432 w/ Dowsing
7/6/2014 Hamilton, ON The Doors Pub
7/7/2014 Toronto, ON Lee's Palace w/ Man Man & Joyce Manor
7/8/2014 Montreal, QC TurboHaus
7/9/2014 Brighton, MA Roggies w/ Timeshares
7/10/2014 Cohes, NY The Icehouse w/ Timeshares
7/11/2014 Brooklyn, NY Shea Stadium w/ Timeshares
7/12/2014 New Bursnwick, NJ TBA w/ Timeshares
7/13/2014 Alexandria, VA The Lab w/ Timeshares
7/14/2014 Richmond, VA Strange Matter w/ Timeshares
7/28/2014 Murrieta, CA The Dial w/ Colossal Wrecks
7/29/2014 San Diego, CA Che Cafe w/ Colossal Wrecks
7/30/2014 Sacramento, CA The Cafe Colonial w/ Colossal Wrecks
7/31/2014 Oakland, CA 1234 Go Records w/ Colossal Wrecks
8/1/2014 San Jose, CA San Jose Rock Shop w/ Colossal Wrecks
8/2/2014 Pomona, CA Growing up Is Dumb w/ Colossal Wrecks