Videos: Punknews Saturday Afternoon Movie: 'MTV 12 (Episode 2)'

Videos: Punknews Saturday Afternoon Movie: 'MTV 12 (Episode 2)'

Welcome to the Punknews Saturday afternoon movie! Today's feature is the second episode of MTV 12, everyone's favorite music video program!

In today's episode, VJ's Dawn Riddle and Misty (both of Bad Canoes) play some of the hottest, newest, and weirdest music videos, including selections by Street Eaters, Radiator Hospital, Pony Time, Nu Sensae, Guantanamo Baywatch, and many others. But, on top of that, the ladies really up their game on this episode. Not only do we meet MTV 12's canine mascot, not only do we witness a T-shirt reading contest, but YOU get the chance to win a signed 8x10 glossy of these two world famous broadcasters!

You can click Read More for the feature.

MTV 12 S 1 E 2 from on Vimeo.

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