Erin Tate leaves Minus the Bear

Erin Tate leaves Minus the Bear

Minus the Bear has announced that they have parted ways with drummer Erin Tate. The band claims the departure was due to personal and creative differences. The band will continue to tour and is working on a new release. Minus The Bear released Infinity Overhead in 2012.
You can click Read More for the band's statement.


It is with heavy hearts that we regret to inform you that due to personal and creative differences Minus the Bear and Erin Tate have decided to part ways.

Erin is one of those rare talents and we consider ourselves lucky to have been able to share the past 14 years with him since this band first started. His creativity, talent, and drive undoubtedly helped get Minus the Bear to where we are today. We wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors.
The band will continue touring and we are currently working on the follow up to Infinity Overhead. 2015 is going to be an exciting year and we look forward to sharing what we have in store.

- Dave, Jake, Cory, Alex