Editors' Picks: Mates Of State / Giddy Motors

Scott: Mates Of State to me represent all that is good and pure in the indie rock community. A married couple - Jason sings and plays drums, Kori sings and plays organ - singing love song after love song to each other [and whoever else might happen to pay admission on any given night]. This song is taken from a limited edition 7" that was released with an old issue of Devil In The Woods magazine. The song is the Mates' longest recorded track to date, and is worth every second you'll spend listening to it:
Mates Of State - Lower
Sadly, the duo has never played this track live [according to the duo themselves, when I talked to them back in February]. Maybe if enough people download it here and request it, they'll figure out a way to work it into their sets. For more information on the group, go to PolyvinylRecords.com, OmnibusRecords.com, and MatesOfState.com.Adam: Scott and I have really become interested in Giddy
from the reviews we've read. All Music, for example, describes
them as "the Jesus Lizard covering Captain Beefheart and Miles Davis"
while a few sentences later namedropping Black Flag and the Queens Of The
Stoneage. Pitchfork's got a great interest generating review
up as well. Here's the only song we've been able to find from this noise-punk /
avant-jazz / insert-indie-nerd-genre band. It's definitely Minutemen inspired:
Motors - Hit Cap (track offline. email Adam if you want to hear it)

The band is signed to Fat Cat Records
in the UK.