Better than the Easter Bunny - it's my radio show!

Upset that you didn't see the ressurection of good ol' JC? Bummed that the Easter Bunny brought you tofu Skittles? Just want to hear good music? Well, tune in tonight from 10pm-midnight CST for my radio show. I'll be playing stuff off the upcoming albums from the Locust and Moneen, as well as stuff from the new Frenzal Rhomb and the Fight discs, plus tons more. So check out my list of CDs I own here, make requests below, then tune in at 10pm Central Standard Time at [Winamp or similar player required] to hear all the rock goodness. Also, you can call me up and shoot the shit/make requests/be on the air, whatever you want. The number is 309-794-7512.

PS - if it's easier for you, just select "play location" and enter to tune in.