Radio show - recommended by 4 out of 5 doctors as a cure for cancer

Radio show - recommended by 4 out of 5 doctors as a cure for cancer

Okay, so maybe that's a bit of a fib - but I guarantee that my radio show will cheer you up tonight, from 10pm-midnight [CST]! What new stuff might I be playing to cheer you up, you ask? Well howsabout the new Alkaline Trio album? No, these aren't the poorly ripped MP3s, this is the *actual* album. Besides playing a bunch off that, I'll also be playing all sorts of stuff new and old. So check out my list of CDs I own here, make requests below, then tune in at 10pm Central Standard Time at [Winamp or similar player required] to hear all the rock goodness. Also, you can call me up and shoot the shit/make requests/be on the air, whatever you want. The number is 309-794-7512.

PS - if it's easier for you, just select "play location" and enter to tune in.