Lobster newsbrief: Days Like These, Park, Yellowcard, more

Lobster newsbrief: Days Like These, Park, Yellowcard, more

with this news straight off the newsletter:

  • Days Like These has posted a new song "Charity Burns Green" on
    their mp3.com site. They are also entering the studio in
    August to record their new record with Darian Rundall
    (Pennywise, Yellowcard) handling production duties.
  • A Small Victory is in the studio recording their debut E.P.
    for Lobster entitled "The Pieces We Keep".
  • Park heads into the studio next week to record their new album
    "It Doesn't Snow Where You're Going" for a September release.
  • Yellowcard's debut major label release "Ocean Ave." hits
    stores July 8th on Capitol Records.