Gimme Skelter Track Listing

Gimme Skelter Track Listing

The track listing for the new Buddyhead
compilation on Nettwerk Records has been
posted. The album "Buddyhead Presents:
Gimme Skelter
" has no set release date yet and features 16 exclusive
or rare tracks bands like Mudhoney,
Le Tigre, Primal
, The Icarus Line, Wire,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Burning
, Weezer, Cave-In
and others. Each band was given a panel in the liner notes for their own
artwork and song information. The cover drawing of Charles
Manson and a drawing of a pig on the inside panel were done by Black Flag cover artist
. Iggy Pop is
the record's "host" and "shows up a few times through out the
album to drop some knowledge on your weak minds!"
Two bonus tracks feature
both Shat's love song to Christina
Aguilera and Nardwaur The Human Serviette's
interview with Iggy.

Gimme Skelter Track listing:

1. Introduction
2. Opening: New York City Is Beating It’s Chest… "Again"
3. Mudhoney - Hard-On For War
4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Shot Down
5. Pleasure Forever - King Cobra in The Guts Of Valhalla
6. Interlude: "Go Metal"
7. Burning Brides - Overhead Metal Erection
8. Primal Scream - Shoot Speed / Kill Light (Live In Japan)
9. Dead Meadow - Let's Jump In
10. Intermission: Demon Trance
11. The Starvations - Last Night I Had A Nightmare We Got Married
12. Beehive & The Barracudas - Up In Flames
13. Your Enemies Friends - Back Of A Taxi (Alternative Grunge Mix)
14. Le Tigre - Mediocrity Rules
15. Wire - Spent (Louder, Faster Mix)
16. Radio Vago - Intro / Yearly Note
17. Cave-In - Harmless, Armless/Minus World
18. Weezer - You Won’t To Get With Me?
19. The Icarus Line - Losing Touch With My Mind
20. Closing: A Brief History Of Amerikkka
21. Bonus Track 1: Shat - What The Fuck Do You Think Christina Aguilera Is Doing
Right Now?
22. Bonus Track 2: Nardwuar V.S. Iggy Pop