D.O.A. Appeal for Fan Help After Gear Stolen

D.O.A. Appeal for Fan Help After Gear Stolen

Canadian punk icons D.O.A. have appealed to fans for help after the van was broken into following a gig in Spokane, WA. Among items stolen was the banner the band has used as a backdrop at gigs for more than 30 years. In a post on social media the band have said:
"We've had this backdrop since 1985 it's a part of D.O.A.'s history. After our show in Spokane Washington Saturday June 16th our van was broken into. Various D.O.A. merchandise and gear was stolen along with Paddy's legendary Dunnett snare drum. But the big hit was the D.O.A. backdrop. It's irreplaceable, we need to get it back. Spokane folks and punk's everywhere. You can't miss it, it's 20 feet wide. Reward is being offered, no questions asked."
Anyone with information is asked to contact the band via theirFacebook Page.