Jumping The Gun - Mates Of State
What is Jumping The Gun, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I just moved back into college, but the radio station won't officially go on the air for another week or so. So until then, we'll be streaming different albums that are not yet released all day and all night. First up is Mates Of State with their new album, Team Boo. Polyvinyl Records will be releasing this album on September 16th. The record will be streaming nonstop at Listen.to/WAUG [Winamp or similar device required] until further notice [probably tomorrow afternoon sometime], at which point I will put in another album that isn't out yet. This is Jumping The Gun.
[If you're having problems with the link, click here for the direct link. Also, sometimes the server burps and connection may be lost/stuck in an eternal buffer. Just click the play button in your listening program again and all should be well.]