Punk Goes Acoustic release date, tracklisting finally set

Punk Goes Acoustic release date, tracklisting finally set

After months and months of delay, Fearless Records will be releasing their long-awaited third volume of their Punk Goes... series, this one entitled Punk Goes Acoustic. The disc is scheduled to come out on October 21st. The compilation's lineup is an exercise in diversity, with everyone from Coalesce to Rise Against to Strike Anywhere to Midtown to Piebald and back again. One of the biggest pieces of note is the re-inclusion of Thursday, Taking Back Sunday, Glasseater, and Grade - all four of which had been dropped from the compilation due to label problems. Click READ MORE for the full tracklisting.

Open Hand - Time To TalkThrice - TrustYellowcard - FirewaterSugarcult - Memory Finch - Letters To YouThursday - A Hole In The WorldThe Starting Line - Playing FavoritesStrung Out - Velvet AlleyThe Ataris - Eight Of NineTaking Back Sunday - Cute Without The EFrom Autumn To Ashes - Chloroform PerfumeRise Against - Swing Life AwayPiebald - The KingRufio - Over ItStrike Anywhere - Chalk LineNoise Ratchet - Away To The HeartCoalesce - Blue Collar LullabyGrade - Gathering DarknessGlasseater - Alone In The WorldMidtown - Knew It All Along