Ted Leo to tour with Dexys Midnight Runners tribute

Ted Leo to tour with Dexys Midnight Runners tribute

Ted Leo is going on tour with Too-Rye-Ay. Of course, they'll be doing an all Dexys Midnight Runners covers set. The band also includes Adrienne C.N. Berry, formerly of Downtown Boys on tenor saxophone. Also in the band is Anthony Cekay - alto saxophone, Claudia Chopek - violin, Therese Cox - accordion, Dave Derby - bass, Richard Alwyn Fisher - guitar, Tom Gavin - banjo/guitar, Ray Ketchem - drums, Sam Kulik - trombone, David Nagler - keyboards. Check out the dates below.

Date city venue
March 12 Boston city winery
March 13 Providence, Ri Columbus Theatre
March 14 Philadelphia Johnny Brendas (come give John G a daps!)
March 15 Washington DC City Winery
March 17 Brooklyn Bell house