Crazy & the Brains release demo collection, will play instagram show at 4pm today!

It's been a hot minute since Crazy and the Brains released their last album,
Into the Ugly
. They've been dropping hints here and there about new material, but they haven't released any solid information aside from the fact that something is brewing... but, until then, they've just released a collection of five acoustic/demo tracks from their earliest days.
Xeroxxx Demos is markedly different from the band in their current incarnation. These days, CatB is a five piece weirdo-punk powerhouse tied together by their dada-ist lyrics, xylophone mania, and charging three chord punk. But, on these demos recordings, the band is the simple duo of Christoph Jesus and Jeff Rubin, sharing more in common with the Moldy Peaches and Jeffrey Lewis than their current Masque-meets-CBGB sound.
The band released a statement to Punknews: "life is getting weird out there. people just tryin’ to stay safe calm and healthy. we’re doing the same, listenin’ to our fav albums and watchin’ our fav movies. so we decided to give ya’ll our entire discog for free download on our bandcamp. we also uploaded some early demos and acoustic cuts from the early days- calling these the “xeroxxx demos” - all our art and flyers were made on a xerox copy machine back in the day. we hope you enjoy these tracks. we’ll have new music for ya’ll soon too. reach out, stay safe, stay calm. you got this."
On top of that, the band is playing a show today at 4pm on instagram! At 4pm est today, You'll be able to watch the full set right here!
Also, you can pick up the band's entire catalogue as a pay-what-you-want download and you can check out the demos below, right now!