Class Action suit filed against StubHub due to COVID-19 policy

Class Action suit filed against StubHub due to COVID-19 policy

As you know, countless events have been postponed or outright canceled due to the COVID-19 epidemic. However, a class action has been filed against the company regarding its policies for postponed and canceled events.
Recently, a Wisconsin man named Matthew McMillan initiated a class action suit against StubHub regarding the refund policy in view of the suspension of the current NHL season. McMillan alleges that he bought a NHL ticket in early march. Then, due to COVID-19, the NHL suspended their season. McMillan states that he was refused a refund from StubHub because the season, according to StubHub, was technically postponed and not canceled.
On April 2, in a federal court in Wisconsin, McMillan filed the Complaint. The Complaint alleges breach of contract and negligent misrepresentation and requests that the Court prohibit StubHub from issuing coupons in place of offering full refunds. The Complaint focuses on StubHub’s “FanProtect guarantee.” The lawsuit alleges that StubHub changed the FanProtect Guarantee policy on March 25. According to the Complaint, prior to March 25, if an event was canceled, buyers would get full refunds. However, allegedly,on March 25, the company revised it to state: “if the event is canceled and not rescheduled, you will get a refund or credit to use on a future purchase, as determined in StubHub’s sold discretion (unless a refund is required by law).”