International Spotlight: Kemuri (Japan)

"A few weeks ago the music scene suffered a serious tragedy when a car accident involving members of
Kemuri took the life of one member (Ryosuke Morimura) and injured several others. I was unable to give this tribute on time, but here it is now. I have been a fan of
Kemuri since 1998 and I felt it was appropriate to give anyone interested a chance to hear what they've accomplished as a band. Here is one song from their 2002 album
Emotivation (called "Bonfire"), one from Senka Senrui - one of the best ska albums of all-time in my opinion - called "Lullaby", and finally one from their 1998 album
77 Days, their anthem "PMA - Positive Mental Attitude"" - Tim
Krysko of Punk International
from Emotivation (2002)
from Senka Senrui (2000)
"PMA - Positive Mental
" from 77 Days (1998)