Check out the new video by Nopes!

Today, we are excited to debut the new video by Nopes!

Nopes are freaks from the bay area and they sound like it. Just check out the video for "Pocket Square Motherfucker." The video follows a turtle, who by a freak accident, happens to grow to human size, and astoundingly, then learns the martial arts... but, in lieu of a kid-friendly lessons about "being kind" and "telling the truth," the band cranks out distorted, twisted, totally-whacked-out acid punk. If Unsane or the Cows played three times as fast and did even more drugs, it might sond like this.

Speaking to Punknews, singer Alex Petralia said, "We usually start our records with something a little more poppy and accessible, but wanted to start this one off with a song that feels like a brick to the head. The lyrics are based off my experience with entitled douchebags in San Francisco."

Djörk is out January 29, 2021 and you can pick it up right here! Meanwhile, check out the video for "Pocket Square Motherfucker" below, right now!