Tours: Comeback Kid / Be Well / Devil In Me / Scowl (EU and UK)

Tours: Comeback Kid / Be Well / Devil In Me / Scowl (EU and UK)

Comeback Kid will be heading to Europe and the UK in 2022 with Be Well, Devil In Me and Scowl. Pre-sale for this round of tickets will go on sale Wednesday, September 15th.

Date Location Venue
19.01.22 Germany Berlin Hole44
20.01.22 Germany Hannover Faust
21.01.22 Germany Bochum Matrix
22.01.22 Germany Karlsruhe Weisse Rose
23.01.22 Netherlands Utrecht Tivoli Pandora
24.01.22 UK Bristol Fleece
25.01.22 UK Birmingham Mama Roux
26.01.22 UK Leeds Key Club
27.01.22 UK Manchester Rebellion
28.01.22 UK London The Dome
29.01.22 Belgium Hasselt Muziekodroom
30.01.22 France Paris Gibus
31.01.22 Switzerland Wil Gare De Lion
01.02.22 Italy Milan Circolo Magnoilia
02.02.22 Germany Munich Backstage
03.02.22 Czech Rep Prague Futurum
04.02.22 Germany Leipzig Conne Island