If You're Dumb Enough to Vote, You're Dumb Enough to Believe 'Em
Headline aside, we're in for trouble soon enough. The elections are coming up in North America, and even if you're not from there, a lot of music, and culture that people around the world enjoy is at risk. You've got George W.Bush saying things like "There should be limits to freedom [of speech]" and Al Lieberman (Al Gore's Vice Presidential Nominee) saying that tame crap like Friends is too racy for TV (Imagine if he saw South Park) Plus, in Canada, the leader of the oposition is a bonofied gun-toting, women-in-the-kitchen moron, and Chretien hasn't had a good stance on an issue in awhile. Even if you're too young to vote, make sure you make your feelings heard. I'm so fucking sick of hearing how apathetic this generation is. They say every suceeding generation gets smarter, so be smart, and, to quote Good Riddance "Resist the Right"