Festivals & Events: Brakrock Festival issues statement about SOIA/No Fun At All incident, SOIA also responds

Festivals & Events: Brakrock Festival issues statement about SOIA/No Fun At All incident, SOIA also responds

Earlier this week, there was an incident at Brakrock fest where the guitar tech for Sick Of It All stated that she was assaulted by the singer of No Fun At All during NFAA's set. The NFAA camp stated that while there was an incident, it did not take place as described by the SOIA camp. More details on that can be found here.
Last night, Brakrock fest issued their own statement on the incident. You can read that below. Thereafter, Sick Of It All posted a short statement on instagram addressing the specific issue of the alleged hitting and assault. You can also see that statement below.

Brakrock Organization

After seeing statements by both Sick Of It All and No Fun At All today, we as the Brakrock
organization feel the need to respond to try and give a neutral perspective on the events that
were witnessed by many of our crew members. This is solely intended to give more insight into
what happened and does not condone any of the behavior that was displayed by any of both
parties involved.

During the No Fun At All set, a stage diver fell down and needed to be evacuated, causing their
set to be stopped for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, members of our crew noticed the singer
grabbing for his wireless in-ear transmitter of which the batteries had died. The singer ran off the
stage in between songs, full of adrenaline and in a bit of a panic as they had already lost much

Unbeknownst to him, our crew had already started loading the SOIA gear into the backstage area
and he didn't immediately find his gear. A misunderstanding and a quarrel started where the
singer of NFAA roughly pushed the crew member of SOIA aside. He should not have done that
and both he and we fully realize that. The discussion continued shortly with some pushing and
pulling. The festival crew quickly separated both parties and the singer ran back onto the stage to
continue his set. The crew member of SOIA was visibly upset and we tried to console her. At no
point however, and this is confirmed by several crew members, did the singer of NFAA throw any
punches towards the crew member of SOIA.

In the meantime, the SOIA band members and the rest of their crew came running into the
backstage area. At this moment, security was in the backstage area to ensure that no one could
get on stage. We have given NFAA the opportunity to finish their set and informed them
afterwards that the SOIA crew member was very upset. The singer of NFAA said it was all due to a
big misunderstanding and he wanted to talk to the crew member to apologize.

Sick of It All

We don’t want to answer because we wanted this to be done. But the only thing that statement said that was right and that we were wrong about was using the word “hit” Yes he didn’t “hit” her but they also played down the violent way he attacked our crew member. He attacked a female crew member. So anything that happened after that moment is on Ingemar. He is the cause of this whole thing. He not the victim. Why did they cancel their tour, maybe because he caused the whole thing! We are done with this we are on tour we have done nothing wrong. He is not a victim. He caused all of this.