Diesel Boy is Busy, and...

Keith writes "They are nearly finished with the new record. They have a couple more days of work left, but it should be
finished soon. Its coming along nicely. They're shooting for a February 20th release date and of course the record is once
again for Honest Dons. They co-produced the record with Ryan Greene. They recorded 16 songs. One song is for a
Smoking Popes tribute record. One song is a Lemonheads cover. Another song is just Dave and his acoustic guitar. The
rest is your standard Diesel Boy. The Smoking Popes tune definitely wont be on the record but I'm guessing nearly all the other
stuff will. They can't be sure until the whole record is done. They have not arrived on a title yet, they're kinda torn between two.
I'll let ya know when they make a decision. This time around, theres a lot of songs about girls. Thats a suprise huh? Theres a
couple songs about their favorite movie stars and theres a song about Monica Lewinsky. Thats about all I can tell you at this
point. I'll have more to report when the record is finished in a couple of weeks. "
Sweet. Diesel Boy is one of the first bands I ever interviewed, back when I was doing a paper 'zine... "My pants are falling down..." It seemed like that song was written just for me... yes, I know they've had great albums since then, but the sometimes a guy gets nostalgic.