Interview Updates
I went to see AFI last night in Toronto, and once again they just blew everyone in attendance away. Before they played, we did an interview with the band for We had to split questions with this kid's zine. He(the bald kid who wrote for this Toronto zine) asked a lot of questions and talked a lot, which is not ideal for an interview. The band should do the talking! Anyhow, I will try to get that online within the next two weeks. For those of you awaiting the Bad Religion Interview, I have run into some problems. My server at really fucking sucks! I can upload all night, and the file will not be on the server when its done. Fuck that! If anyone knows of any good servers I can upload the audio interview to, please let me know. It is a 4.65mb mp3 file. The Kid With Manhead interview is on its way to as well. Hopefully, that will be up within the next two weeks. Thank you for your patience!